442Kleinheisler László, azaz "Scholes" 2013 nyarán került a Videoton FC-hez. A Puskás Akadémia neveltje, sokszoros utánpótlásválogatott, aki már fiatalon, 19 évesen be tudott kerülni a Vidibe. A Puskás Akadémia NB II-es csapatában eltöltött év után érkezett és első Vidis bajnokiján, a Haladás ellen góllal debütált, hamar a csapat erőssége lett. Egy makacs sérülés miatt csaknem az egész 2013-14-es tavaszi idényt ki kellett hagynia, de az új szezonra való felkészülést már újra az első kerettel csinálta végig.
2015 januárjától a Puskás Akadémia FC-nél szerepelt kölcsönben, a Norvégia elleni pótselejtezőn már ismét Vidi-játékosként mutatkozott be és Oslóban emlékezetes győztes gólt szerzett, később pedig az Európa-bajnokságon is részt vett - akkor már a Werder Bremen labdarúgója volt.LászlóKleinheisler0Kleinheisler László1994-04-08DiscoCsonthülye; Kincs, ami nincsCsirkemell, rizibiziSzénsavmentes vízPingpong3C. Ronaldo, HazardPingpongFacebookmagyarKleinheisler01MOL Fehérvár I75170player_1729_442.pngplayer_1729_442.pngKazincbarcikaKözéppályás2023-202418172984Videoton FC01Kleinheisler LászlóArray ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => magyar [flag_img] => flag_1.jpg ) ) magyarflag_1.jpg30Array ( [0] => Array ( [seid] => 46 [name] => 2014-2015 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 135 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2014-2015 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 1729 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1729_442.png [img_full_body] => player_1729_442.png [img_list] => player_1729_442.png [height] => 170 [weight] => 75 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 404 [played_matches_count] => 11 [played_first_count] => 3 [played_change_count] => 8 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 146 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2014-2015 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 1800 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1800_442.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_1800_442.png [height] => 170 [weight] => 73 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 113 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 148 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2014-2015 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 1806 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1806_442.png [img_full_body] => player_1806_442.png [img_list] => player_1806_442.png [height] => 170 [weight] => 73 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 480 [played_matches_count] => 6 [played_first_count] => 6 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 480 ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [seid] => 16 [name] => 2013-2014 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 86 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 1043 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1043_442.png [img_full_body] => player_1043_442.png [img_list] => player_1043_442.png [height] => 170 [weight] => 73 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1007 [played_matches_count] => 19 [played_first_count] => 13 [played_change_count] => 6 [goals_count] => 4 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 252 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 100 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 1207 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1207_442.png [img_full_body] => player_1207_442.png [img_list] => player_1207_442.png [height] => 170 [weight] => 73 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 161 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 93 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 1107 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_1107_442.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_1107_442.png [height] => 178 [weight] => 78 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 89 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 88 [name] => UEFA Európa Liga [comptid] => 5 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => UEFA Európa Liga [tmid] => 1064 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 33 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [4] => Array ( [compid] => 90 [name] => NB III Közép-csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => NB III [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 32 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [5] => Array ( [compid] => 97 [name] => U-21 I. osztály [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => U-21 [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2013-2014 [competitionname] => U21 [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 90 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 90 ) ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [seid] => 14 [name] => 2011-2012 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 56 [name] => U19 I. Osztály [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => U-19 [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => U19 [tmid] => 689 [pid] => 442 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1170 [played_matches_count] => 13 [played_first_count] => 13 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 3 [yellow_cards_count] => 4 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 390 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 63 [name] => U18 I. Osztály [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => U-18 P.A. [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => U18 [tmid] => 775 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 458 [played_matches_count] => 8 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 4 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 458 ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [seid] => 6 [name] => 2010-2011 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 34 [name] => U17 I. osztály [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => U-17 [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => U17 [tmid] => 407 [pid] => 442 [number] => 8 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 169 [weight] => 65 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1270 [played_matches_count] => 19 [played_first_count] => 15 [played_change_count] => 4 [goals_count] => 4 [yellow_cards_count] => 3 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 318 ) ) ) ) ) 1409319603Array
Kleinheisler László

170 cm / 75 kg
Teljes név: Kleinheisler László
Született: Kazincbarcika , 1994.04.08.
Vidi | Összes | |||||||||||||||||||||||
Meccsek (csere) | 11 (8) | 11 (8) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 6 (0) | 6 (0) | 19 (6) | 19 (6) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 2 (1) | 2 (1) | 2 (2) | 2 (2) | 1 (1) | 1 (1) | 1 (0) | 1 (0) | 13 (0) | 13 (0) | 8 (4) | 8 (4) | 19 (4) | 19 (4) |
Játszott percek | 404 | 404 | 113 | 113 | 480 | 480 | 1007 | 1007 | 161 | 161 | 89 | 89 | 33 | 33 | 32 | 32 | 90 | 90 | 1170 | 1170 | 458 | 458 | 1270 | 1270 |
Gólok | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 4 |
Sárga lapok | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 3 | 3 |
Piros lapok | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 |

Kleinheisler László, azaz "Scholes" 2013 nyarán került a Videoton FC-hez. A Puskás Akadémia neveltje, sokszoros utánpótlásválogatott, aki már fiatalon, 19 évesen be tudott kerülni a Vidibe.
A Puskás Akadémia NB II-es csapatában eltöltött év után érkezett és első Vidis bajnokiján, a Haladás ellen góllal debütált, hamar a csapat erőssége lett. Egy makacs sérülés miatt csaknem az egész 2013-14-es tavaszi idényt ki kellett hagynia, de az új szezonra való felkészülést már újra az első kerettel csinálta végig.
2015 januárjától a Puskás Akadémia FC-nél szerepelt kölcsönben, a Norvégia elleni pótselejtezőn már ismét Vidi-játékosként mutatkozott be és Oslóban emlékezetes győztes gólt szerzett, később pedig az Európa-bajnokságon is részt vett - akkor már a Werder Bremen labdarúgója volt.
2015 januárjától a Puskás Akadémia FC-nél szerepelt kölcsönben, a Norvégia elleni pótselejtezőn már ismét Vidi-játékosként mutatkozott be és Oslóban emlékezetes győztes gólt szerzett, később pedig az Európa-bajnokságon is részt vett - akkor már a Werder Bremen labdarúgója volt.
Legutóbbi videója

Videó @ 2014. Augusztus 24.

Kapcsolódó hírek

Étel, amit kedvelek:
Csirkemell, rizibizi
Ital, amit kedvelek:
Szénsavmentes víz
Zenestílus, együttes, amelyet kedvelek:
Kedvenc filmem:
Csonthülye; Kincs, ami nincs
A világ labdarúgásában az a játékos, akit nagyon sokra tartok:
C. Ronaldo, Hazard
Szabadidős tevékenység, ami kikapcsolódást jelent számomra:
A sportág, amit a labdarúgáson kívül leginkább kedvelek:
A közösségi oldal, amit aktívan használok:
A nyelvek, amelyeken beszélek:
Videó ajánló
Videó ajánló
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