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Even though Dani is currently injured, he is proud of what the team have done in the matches so far
Daniel Nagy is currently suffering from a thigh strain, which has forced him to miss several games lately. He is also very doubtful for Friday's big match at home to Debrecen. "The situation has improved a great deal recently, and I am slowly getting back to where I want to be. I have been able to take part in light training sessions, and am stepping things up gradually. The problems seem to come when I have to do longer, more intensive sessions. I have undergone several tests, and luckily those have all proved negative, or rather they cannot seem to find the cause of the problems. I have even started to think that perhaps the problem is inside my head: I am so scared that I will suffer another injury, that the end result is just that." Dani will watch Friday's game from the stands, and we were curious as to what the midfielder thinks will be the outcoe of our match with Debrecen.
"The team have done great over the last two games, and I am expecting them to continue the series of wins, which have come from the Ferencvaros and Honved matches. I also hope that they can play attractive football as in recent games. I do not remember the last time things went so well for the side. With regards to Debrecen, I have not really paid too much attention to them, ever since the new manager came in, so I am not upto date with the coming's and going's. I do know that it has been a while since they last won away. I am sure that the players will do everything to make sure we get the three points. I also feel that they are beatable if we play good football. The needed confidence is there, and we do not have to deal with the past, but only the future."
Brazil támadónk számításai szerint hatodik fejesgólját szerezte a Loki elleni bajnokin magyarországi karrierje során.
A zenés kvízjáték jó felvezetése volt a DVSC-TEVA elleni sikerünknek.
Szakály Dénes két gólpasszt is adott a Debrecen elleni meccsen tegnap: egyet Lencsének, egyet Coulibalynak... Mi is történt?
Annyira nehéz volt a Debrecen elleni győzelem, mint amennyire az kívülről látszott, állapította meg Sándor György. Mit mondott még?
A tavasz szuperrangadóján 2-1-re nyertünk a DVSC-TEVA ellen, összefoglalónkban megtekinthetik a találkozó góljait és helyzeteit.
A debreceni pályaedző szerint jobb volt a DVSC a Videotonnál. Dr. Mezey György a görcsösséggel magyarázta a nehezen kivívott győzelmet.