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Videoton face Debrecen at the Sostoi stadium on Friday evening
- The expectation on the players has gone up as a result of our last two matches. We would also like this fantastic series of results to continue! I think that is certain is that it is impossible to play such attractive football, and win by a big margin in every game we play. The most important thing on Friday is that we keep all three points at home. As to what will Debrecen bring to the match? I am not sure. I would honestly say that I have not seen any one of their games during the current league season. I do not even know what kind of an impact their new manager has brought to their team. I am sure that as this is a very big game, and independent of the fact that they won a lot earlier, they will be up for it and they will pull themselves together for the game. The most important is that we win the game by playing our own game! We have shown in the last few games that whatever team we put out, we are enthusiastic, and will fight to win the match, while being prepared as to the maximum. The manager can always replace another player with a quality replacement."
Brazil támadónk számításai szerint hatodik fejesgólját szerezte a Loki elleni bajnokin magyarországi karrierje során.
A zenés kvízjáték jó felvezetése volt a DVSC-TEVA elleni sikerünknek.
Szakály Dénes két gólpasszt is adott a Debrecen elleni meccsen tegnap: egyet Lencsének, egyet Coulibalynak... Mi is történt?
Annyira nehéz volt a Debrecen elleni győzelem, mint amennyire az kívülről látszott, állapította meg Sándor György. Mit mondott még?
A tavasz szuperrangadóján 2-1-re nyertünk a DVSC-TEVA ellen, összefoglalónkban megtekinthetik a találkozó góljait és helyzeteit.
A debreceni pályaedző szerint jobb volt a DVSC a Videotonnál. Dr. Mezey György a görcsösséggel magyarázta a nehezen kivívott győzelmet.