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MOL Vidi's FC officially moved into their modern state of the art stadium on the 21st November 2018. The opening match was a Hungarian OTP league division one game against Ujpest. The old Sosto stadium hosted it's final game in December 2015. That was a 1-0 win over Paks with the final goal coming from Krisztian Geresi. The machines moved in after that game to begin demolishing the old stadium, which had been the scene of so many memorable games. Those included UEFA Cup matches in the famous run to the final of 1985. It had also witnessed the first two league championship winning teams of 2011 and 2015.
The match against Ujpest in November 2018 also saw the official unveiling of the new name. Vidi's new home will officially be called the MOL ARENA SOSTO.
Official Capacity is: 14,200
Stadium History
Over 50 years ago on the 20th September 1967, the Sostoi Stadium was opened (the team had played there twice previously on a temporary basis) VT Vasas Vs Erfurt. The first goal at the new stadium was scored by Ferenc Bognar.
The first league game at the Sosto was in 1967 in a NB I/B final league match. The opponents were Kecskemet and we won 3-0. The stadium was increased to include larger standing area in the autumn of 1975. The stadium was also able to host evening matches from 1978 with one of the best floodlighting systems in Hungary at the time. The first match played under floodlights was on the 18th October 1978, which produced a 1-0 win for Videoton against Honved. The goalscorer that evening was Gyorgy Novath.
The stadium was again improved in 1982 to become one of the nicest stadiums in the country. The old main stand was demolished in 2002 and a new modern replacement opened in 2005. It was at the old stadium that Vidi first won the first division title in 2011. They also hosted Europa League Group Stage football in 2012 with both Sporting and Basel defeated in home games.
The stadium was against rebuilt 10 years later from the start of 2016 to provide a stadium fit for the 21st century. With all the highest facilities on offer, it will be host its first league match tonight, 21st November 2018. The last 3 years have not only seen a new stadium built, but the whole area of the town redeveloped around the Sostoi nature reserve.

Így szerepeltek a Vidi külföldi válogatott játékosai a novemberi selejtezőmérkőzéseken.

Ukrán szélsőnk szerint szervezett, erős csapat a Puskás Akadémia.

Válogatott középpályásunk nyilatkozott a lefújás után!

Hét különböző potenciális ellenfele van a mieinknek márciusra. Sorsolás pénteken.

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