Ajánld ismerősödnek!
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The new modern stadium will officially host its first NB I league game against Ujpest on the 21st November.
The stadium redevelopment has been completed and Szekesfehervar can once again play host to Vidi home league matches after three years. MOL Vidi FC will play their domestic and European games at the new arena. The stadium will remain under the ownership of the local council and the stadium known from now on as the MOL Arena Sosto.
A press conference was held on Wednesday morning with Peter Ratatics, the MOL Hungary MD, Andras Cser-Palkovics, Mayor of Szekesfehervar and Attila Balogh, the MOL Vidi FC MD.
"MOL can be proud to look back over the last 10 years to see what was achieved together with Vidi. We are also very enthusiastic regarding the future. It feels great to be here at the new home of MOL Vidi. We want to carry on this cooperation and even strengthen it. One of the new stops along the way is that the Sostoi Stadium will have a new name, which will be the MOL Arena Sosto. We are major backers of Hungarian sport. We are proud to give our name to the new stadium. MOL Arena Sosto will not only be the home of Vidi, but a community area where families can come out to support and also switch off" - commented Peter Ratatics - MOL Hungary MD.
"We can again be here at home at the Sosto. We have waited for the moment for a long time. I hope that everyone will be pleased with this. I would like to thank the Hungarian Government for the help provided in rebuilding the stadium. We not only have a new modern facility but also managed to save 218 hectares of nature reserve. We have done this and it will not cost the people of the city a single forint. I want to thank the supporters for their patience and the club for the way they have developed over the three years. We will be welcoming back a team that is representing Hungarian football at the moment. I also wish to thank MOL as they have backed several important areas within the city. The biggest Hungarian Company has decided to step things up with this project, and the most important is that the population of the city will profit from this the most" - explained Mayor of Szekesfehervar, Andras Cser-Palkovics.
"It is with delight that the team can return home to Fehervar after 3 years. It makes no sense explaining what it means for a team to play on their home pitch, especially that they can continue doing this at such a lovely stadium. The Pancho Arena was a very nice stadium and we thank them for allowing us to be there over the recent past. However, our real home is here. I want to thank the local council for their continuous support. The same also applies to MOL for their backing of the club over the last 10 years and also the future. We will try to pay them back by being successful" - commented Attila Balogh, MD of MOL Vidi FC.
Így szerepeltek a Vidi külföldi válogatott játékosai a novemberi selejtezőmérkőzéseken.
Ukrán szélsőnk szerint szervezett, erős csapat a Puskás Akadémia.
Válogatott középpályásunk nyilatkozott a lefújás után!
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