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2010. December 23. 12:00  -  David Rechnitzer
How will the coaching staff be celebrating Christmas?

The festive season is upon us

Tamas Bodog packed his things and headed back to Germany, following the end of the autumn season. He ended his playing career there, and his children were both born out there. His family still live there, and his 10 year old twins attend a local school. "My children still had to go to school on the 23rd December, so there was never a doubt as to where we would be celebrating the Christmas period." said the coach. "Both my wife and my parents are Hungarian, so we will be spending the second day of Christmas back in Hungary, which is why we put up our Christmas tree on the Monday. We will be opening the presents on the evening of the 24th December. In our family it works as follows: Our children draw up a list of 10 things they most want, and we pick two of them each, which they then receive." The Bodog family will be heading back to Hungary by car, early Sunday morning, as it is difficult to take all of the presents and luggage by plane. We will spend New Years Eve here in Hungary, and we plan to be in Pecs that evening, among family. I will then head off to the Austrian ski slopes at the beginning of January.

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