Ajánld ismerősödnek!
Az ajánlást sikeresen elküldtük!
The home side had more of the chances over 90 minutes, but it was Vidi that scored the only goal to win the final friendly match.


Dunaszerdahelyi FC DAC 1904:
Polacek -- Ljubicic, Mihalik, Kristo, Kwin, Sesar, Turna, Brasen (Ujlaki 62), Stepanovsky, Szarka, SzabóGyurcsó 51
Videoton FC:
Calatayud -- Maréval (Heffler Tibor 67), Fejes (Vinícius 67), Chakla (Juhász 77), Szolnoki (Brachi 67) -- Trebotic, Simon -- Gyurcsó (Álvarez 67), Kovács (Ivanovszki 59), Oliveira (Pajac 67) -- Nikolics (Feczesin 67)
Vidi travelled to the home of DAC in the final friendly match of the winter pre-season on Saturday afternoon. There was a very good atmosphere inside the stadium with around 2000 supporters present, and 100 supporters making the trip to back Videoton.
DAC began the match better and Stepanovsky had the first shot on goal after 2 minutes from 20 meters, which required a good save from Calatayud. Kwin Noe Achille just failed to make contact with the ball at the far side following a cross. Vidi had more of the possession in the second part of the first half. However, the match official blew for offside on several occasions when Nikolics found himself with a chance, which meant that there were few chances to break the deadlock. Both sides had four corners in the first period, but none threatened.
There were no changes at half time. Vidi started the second half better and Kovacs found Nikolics with a good ball in the 47th minute. The forward moved behind the defender and outpaced them taking the ball alone towards goal. A last minute sliding tackle took the danger away as Niko was about to shoot. The keeper could do nothing in the 51st minute. Gyurcso scored a really good goal from 23 meters from a free kick (0-1). The home side had more of the ball in the period that followed, and they also had five corners, with only the final one proving dangerous. A defender was on hand to clear the danger. DAC had some long range efforts towards the end, which were either wide of the target or was met with a good save from Calatayud. The final result ended up in a 1-0 win for Vidi.
The league season commences next Sunday with a visit to Győri ETO FC.

Lakatos Károly hat éves kora óta futball-rajongó.

A két gól mellett öt kapufát is láthatott az a száz néző, aki vasárnap délután kilátogatott Sóstóra.

Válogatott középpályásunk azt is elárulta, hogy már az egész csapat nagyon várja a bajnokság folytatását, melyre télen sikerült nagyon jól felkészülni.

A két vezetőedző a mérkőzés után értékelte a látottakat.

A hazaiaknak valamivel több helyzetük volt a 90 perc során, de gólt csapatunk tudott lőni, ezzel megnyertük utolsó téli felkészülési meccsünket.

Csapatunk utolsó téli felkészülési mérkőzését szombaton 16.30-kor Dunaszerdahelyen játssza. A találkozóra sok szeretettel várják a fehérvári drukkereket is a felvidéki házigazdák.