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2014. November 02. 23:45  -  David Rechnitzer
Vidi's win over Honved gives them a 6 point lead at the top of the table

Nikolics fantastic run of 13 goals came to an end, but Kovacs' goal gave Vidi their 12 win in the league. 

OTP Bank Liga NB I, 2014-2015, Őszi idény, 13. fordulóMeccs center 
Kovács 43
Videoton FC:
Calatayud -- Stopira, Chakla, Juhász, Szolnoki -- Simon (Trebotic 31), Sándor -- Álvarez (Heffler Tibor 82), Kovács, Oliveira (Gyurcsó 72) -- Nikolics

Budapest Honvéd:
Kemenes -- King, Youla, Hidi, Alcibiade, Baráth, Godoy, Nagy (Bobál 18), Prosser (Traore 77), Job (Czár 63), Vidovic
2014.11.02. SzékesfehérvárSóstói StadionFelhős, 7 Celsius-fok2668 nézőJátékvezetők: Vad II IstvánLémon OszkárBozó ZoltánSzalai DánielAndó-Szabó SándorNémeth Ádám
Match Centre Videoton FC - Budapest Honvéd OTP Bank Liga NB I,
13. forduló
2014. November 02. 18:30
OTP Bank Liga NB I
1 Videoton FC 38 26
2 MTK Budapest 33 8
3 DVTK 29 8
4 Paksi FC 26 12
5 DVSC-TEVA 25 8
6 Ferencvárosi TC 25 7
PtGk Table
OTP Bank Liga NB I
21 Nikolics Nemanja
15 Tischler Patrik (Puskás Akadémia FC)
12 Böde Dániel (Ferencvárosi TC)
11 Priskin Tamás (Győri ETO FC)
9 Ndiaye Bara Mamadou Lamine Bebeto (KTE-Phoenix Mecano) , Könyves Norbert (MVM-Paks) , Pekár László () , Lencse László (Puskás Akadémia FC)
8 Kanta József (MTK Budapest) , Bartha László (MVM-Paks) , Youla Souleymane (Budapest Honvéd)
7 Feczesin Róbert , Pátkai Máté (Győri ETO FC) , Böőr Zoltán () , Tisza Tibor (DVSC-TEVA) , Leandro Martinez (Haladás) , Griffiths Georges (DVTK)
6 Gyurcsó Ádám , Filipe Oliveira , Rudolf Gergely (Győri ETO FC) , Simon Krisztián (Újpest FC) , Benjamin Lauth (Ferencvárosi TC)
5 Kovács István Ádám , Juhász Roland
3 Trebotic Dinko
Top Scorers

Vidi played their 13th league match of the season at the Sostoi stadium, with Budapest Honved the visitors. Club director Győző Burcsa presented Adam Simon with a shirt to mark the midfielders 100th league appearance in the recent game with Paks. Honved manager Jozsef Csabi made his league debut on the bench for the visitors. 

The first chance arrived on 7 minutes, when Kovacs pulled away on the left really well, before sending a shot just wide of the left hand post from 17 meters out. Honved were forced in to a change after 17 minutes, with Gergo Nagy moving badly and not being able to continue as a result.

Simon remained on the ground on 20 minutes after an unlucky collision, with the opponents studs causing a head injury, and the midfielder returned wearing a head band. However, he came off 10 minutes later.

Szolnoki crossed from the right on 26 minutes, which was met by the head of Nikolics, and his header just went wide of the post. Oliveira then dribbled inside 4 minutes later, with his shot going over from 24 meters. 

Trebotic came on in place of Simon on 33 minutes and then shot over from 24 meters. There were real fireworks in front of the Budapest sides goal 3 minutes later. The ball was headed out by a defender following a free kick from Alvarez, which fell to the feet of Oliveira. He volleyed but that was blocked, with Trebotic finally on the ball, with Kemenes in the Honved goal producing a very good safe to deny the Croatian player.

Bobal had a shot on 38 minutes, which was Honved's first chance, with the ball going wide from 17 meters.  

The lead came on 43 minutes: Nikolics headed the ball in to the path of Kovacs inside the Honved half. The midfielder went on a run towards goal, beating his man and taking the ball wide, before hitting a low shot into the far corner of the net. This was Kovacs' fifth goal of the season, and moved him to second behind Niko in the goals scored. (1-0). 

Kemenes saved an Alvarez free kick at the start of the second half, while Szolnoki stepped in well on 58 minutes, taking the ball to the line, before crossing low to the centre, with the ball falling to Trebotic, whose shot was blocked. Stopira then cut in on the left two minutes later, and his pass to Alvarez ended with the shot that went wide of the left post from 17 meters. A free kick from Alcibiade after 65 minutes went wide of the top left corner. Oliveira also sent a shot over from 24 meters after the 71st minute. Honved did have another chance when Bobal crossed from the left on 86 minutes, and it was just short of the arriving foot of Traore in the middle, which proved Honved's best chance. Nikolics sent a shot in to the arms of Kemenes towards the end. Referee Istvan Vad blew for full time. 

Nikolics could not score in his 13th consecutive game after his fantastic run. The team picked up their 12th win of the season and now have a six points lead at the top of the table ahead of MTK.

Vidi are next in action with an away match at KTE on the 8th November. That game will kick off at 14:00pm.

meccselemzés 2014-2015 OTP Bank Liga NB I Videoton FC - Budapest Honvéd
A Vidi öltözőjében jártam 20 - gyerekblog GYEREKBLOG @ 2014. November 04.

Vidi-rajongó gyerekek által vezetett blogunk huszadik bejegyzésében Ódor Marcell osztja meg a Honvéd elleni bajnoki mérkőzésen átélt élményeit.

A Juhász Rolitól kapott, felbecsülhetetlen értékű relikvia, és a történet, ami mögötte van 2014. November 04.

Juhász Roland meze iránt nagy a kereslet. Válogatott védőnk pedig örömmel adja, ha kérik. Ahogy tette ezt a Honvéd elleni találkozót követően is, amikor korábbi ígéretének eleget téve egy mozgássérült Vidi-szurkolónak, Bede Andrásnak igyekezett örömet szerezni. 

Kovács István a 13. forduló válogatottjában RÓLUNK ÍRTÁK @ 2014. November 03.

A összeállításába - a Honvéd elleni siker után - ezúttal válogatott középpályásunk került be.

Trebotic: "Úgy érzem, sikerült egyből felvennem a meccs ritmusát" INTERJÚ @ 2014. November 02.

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Joan Carrillo: "Együtt nyertük meg ezt a meccset, a csapat és a szurkolók" EDZŐI ÉRTÉKELÉS @ 2014. November 02.

A két vezetőedző a mérkőzés után értékelte a látottakat.

A Honvéd elleni győzelemmel már 6 pont a Vidi előnye a tabellán! TUDÓSÍTÁS @ 2014. November 02.

Nikolics fantasztikus, 13 meccses gól-sorozata megszakadt, de Kovács találatával 12. meccsünket nyertük a bajnokságban. 

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