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The youngster admitted that he did not play as many games as he would have liked over the autumn season. However, he gave his maximum when he did play.
"There were games over the autumn season, which were disappointing for both the supporters and us, but we always tried to get over these matches. We then went out to produce a better performance in the next game. There were times when this did not go according to plan, but fortunately there were games when we produced scintillating football to bring delight to the supporters. With regards to my own game, I can say that the autumn season behind us can be summed up by the fact that I would have liked to have played in more games. However, for whatever reason it did not work out this way, but I always tried to give my maximum when I was given the chance. I gladly look back to those matches, which I managed to score a goal in. Although we were knocked out of the Europa League by Podgorica, I did score from a free kick in the home leg, which felt great at the time. My free kick against Paks was also good as I scored after coming on as a substitute" - commented Adam Gyurcso to the clubs website.
A csakfoci.hu összeállításába - a Pápa elleni bajnoki után - ezúttal két Vidi-játékos került be.
A nemzeti csapat a Finnország elleni Eb-selejtezőre és az Oroszország elleni barátságos mérkőzésre készül majd.
Válogatott szélsőnk szerint évek óta remek csapat a Loki, úgyhogy nagyon nehéz dolgunk lesz vasárnap.
Ezúttal két Vidi-játékos került be a csakfoci.hu által összeállított csapatba.
Kedden az Újpestet fogadjuk, a nemzeti csapat szombaton Románia ellen lép pályára Bukarestben.
Kovács István, Juhász Roland és Gyurcsó Ádám kapott meghívót Dárdai Pál megbízott szövetségi kapitánytól a Románia és a Feröer-szigetek elleni Eb-selejtezőkre.