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The striker also spoke about his delight at playing for his country.
"My feelings are mixed with regards to the autumn season, as we were all disappointed to go out of the Europa league at the first hurdle. We then made a great start to the league season, winning games and also coming out well in the big matches. That included a win at the home of FTC and a point away at Győr. We then lost at Debrecen, but still managed to win important games following that. We had fate in our hands throughout, but unexpectedly slipped up in the final few games of the autumn season. I am sure that we will win back the points in the spring, and eventually win the league title. This is down to us being a strong side.
If I have to sum up the autumn from my own point of view, then I would firstly highlight the fact at how pleased I was to become a Hungarian international with Vidi. When I moved to Szekesfehervar, I had big aims for both myself and the team. I am sure that I will be able to fulfil these targets with Vidi, and achieve what is possible here. I really wanted to make my international debut as a Vidi player. I would have been sad to have done this playing for another club. I feel that I deserved the chance doing a lot to get into that position. I worked very hard to receive the call up.
I would describe my autumn season as a success. I scored 12 goals in the league besides playing for Hungary. It could have been 13 had I connected with the ball in the final match with FTC. The ball just clipped my shin pad, which I felt then and this is confirmed when I look back at the replay. This is all irrelevant, and I will try and help the team to win the league by scoring as many goals as I can over the spring. I also hope that this will make me the top goalscorer in Hungary" - commented Nikolics to the clubs website. Niko celebrated his 26th birthday on the 31st December, while also letting us know that his second child is expected in March.
Az ősszel Európa-rekordot felállító támadónk saját magával vívott kiélezett küzdelmet az Ősz Gólja díj megszerzéséért. A Vidi-szurkolók szavazatai alapján végül az idény legszebb találata Nikónak a Pécs elleni felső sarkos bombája lett.
2014-es visszapillantó sorozatunkban egy-egy meghatározó pillanatot idézünk fel az év 12 hónapjából. Januárban a Vidi a horvát HNK Rijeka ellen játszotta az év első hivatalos meccsét. Ki más találhatott volna be, már a 2. percben, mint Nikolics Nemanja.
A szavazás lezárultát követően az is kiderült, hogy a képzeletbeli dobogó második fokán Juhász Roland, a harmadikon Arturo Álvarez végzett.
Vezetőedzőnk az nb1.hu és a rangado.hu szavazásán is az élen végzett. Utóbbi portálnál Nikolics Nemanja lett az NB 1 legjobb mezőnyjátékosa.
A lap osztályzatai alapján védőnk 6,4-es átlaggal lett első. A második helyen Nikolics Nemanja végzett.
Gólvágó csatárunk azt is elárulta, hogy a legutóbbi két idegenbeli bajnokin lőtt 9 góllal és 6 ponttal sikerült bizonyítani, hogy idegenben is hasonlóan eredményes tud lenni a Vidi, mint hazai pályán.