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Our young defender revealed that the pre-season served the team well. He added that Vidi were up against teams that feature in the top divisions of international football.

"The main emphasis during the second training camp in Spain was placed on the friendly matches. We played four games within the space of twelve days, with us doing regeneration work in between two games. We also took part in tactical based training sessions. Just as in previous years, we played against international players in teams that play their football in the first division. We knew that in these games the main emphasis would be on the defensive side of our game, as well as on quick counter attacks. This is exactly why we had to do plenty of running. We stood our ground and were a match for our opponents in each of the friendly games. We did not score enough goals, but we did have the chances. This can be reassuring for the future, in that we managed to create chances against serious opponents. We hope that these chances will be converted in to goals in the league matches. I feel that I am in top form fitness wise. I think the same can be said about the team as a whole. We will play at the home of DAC on Saturday in our final friendly match. We would like to go in to next week's league game at Győri ETO with a win under our belts." - commented Roland Szolnoki to vidi.hu.

Védőnk azt is elárulta, hogy számára a 2016-os év nagyon fontos lesz, hiszen májusban születik meg első gyermeke.

Szolnoki Roland és Pátkai Máté a Fejér Megyei Szent György Kórház gyerekosztályán jártak hétfőn.

Szoszó azt is elárulta, hogy nem tétlenkedett a csapat az elmúlt két hétben, és kihasználták a válogatott szünetet.

A szombathelyi kupameccs előtt az esélyekről kérdeztük védőnket.

Fiatal védőnk azt is elárulta, hogy nagyon fontos, hogy vasárnap este mi szerezzük meg az első gólt, mert az egy gátat szakíthat át a csapatban.

Védőnk kihangsúlyozta, itthon kell tartanunk a három pontot.