hu en
1583Tischler Patrik 1991. 07. 30-án született Budapesten, a Sándor Károly Akadémián nevelkedett, majd az MTK-ban lett élvonalbeli játékos, 2008-2013 között szerepelt a kék-fehéreknél. 2013 nyarán Felcsútra igazolt, azóta ott játszott. Az elmúlt 7 évben 138 NB I-es meccsen 47 gólt szerzett. Többször szerepelt az utánpótlás válogatottakban. A Videotonhoz 2016-ban egy évre, kölcsönbe került.PatrikTischler0Tischler Patrik1991-07-30Pop, houseRocky (összes része)Tészta, rántott húsAlmaléFilmnézés, Xbox4Puskás Akadémia - Újpest mérkőzés, ahol 4 gólt rúgtamZlatan IbrahimovicTenisz, kézilabdaFacebook, InstagramAngolTischler01MOL Fehérvár I00player_2706_1583.pngplayer_2706_1583.pngBudapestForward2023-2024119270684Videoton FC01Tischler PatrikArray
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    [0] => Array
            [seid] => 63
            [name] => 2015-2016
            [competitions] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [compid] => 294
                            [name] => OTP Bank League Division One
                            [comptid] => 1
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2015-2016
                                    [competitionname] => Division One
                                    [tmid] => 2706
                                    [pid] => 1583
                                    [number] => 19
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                                    [ppid] => 4
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                                    [brought_goals] => 3
                                    [brought_yellow_cards] => 4
                                    [brought_red_cards] => 0
                                    [children_nat_team] => 
                                    [brought_played_min] => -1
                                    [brought_played_starter] => 9
                                    [brought_played_bench] => 9
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                                    [played_min] => 549
                                    [played_matches_count] => 11
                                    [played_first_count] => 5
                                    [played_change_count] => 6
                                    [goals_count] => 2
                                    [yellow_cards_count] => 0
                                    [red_cards_count] => 0
                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 275


                    [1] => Array
                            [compid] => 328
                            [name] => Magyar Kupa
                            [comptid] => 2
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2015-2016
                                    [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa
                                    [tmid] => 2960
                                    [pid] => 1583
                                    [number] => 19
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                                    [brought_yellow_cards] => 4
                                    [brought_red_cards] => 0
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                                    [brought_played_min] => -1
                                    [brought_played_starter] => 9
                                    [brought_played_bench] => 9
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                                    [played_min] => 21
                                    [played_matches_count] => 1
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                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 0




Tischler Patrik

Full name: Tischler Patrik
Date of birth: Budapest , 1991.07.30.
Vidi All
Matches (change) 11 (6) 29 (15) 1 (1) 19 (10)
Minutes played 549 549 21 21
Goals 2 5 0 3
Yellow cards 0 4 0 4
Red cards 0 0 0 0
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