hu en
48790 NB I-es meccset tudhat a háta mögött az egyébként roppant hosszú karrierrel rendelkező Tímár Krisztián. A klubunkhoz az NB II-es BKV Előrétől érkező védő 2001 és 2003 között 46 bajnokin szerepelt a Vidiben, majd finnországi légiósnak állt.

Hamar hazatért Tatabányára, majd Nyíregyházán és a Fradinál is megfordult, 2007-től 2010-ig pedig az angol másod-, harmad- és negyedosztályban játszott. Egy vietnami szezon után Siófokra igazolt, majd 2015-ben Szegedről vonult vissza.

2017 nyarán a Grosics Akadémiától tért vissza Fehérvárra és a Vidi II szakmai stábjában kezdett el dolgozni.KrisztiánTímár01979-10-0415MOL Fehérvár Bplayer_535_487.pngBudapestCoach, DefenderCoach22019-202015084Tímár Krisztián02Tímár000player_535_487.png284Videoton FCF1247834Tímár KrisztiánArray
    [0] => Array
            [id] => 1
            [name] => Hungarian
            [flag_img] => flag_1.jpg

    [0] => Array
            [seid] => 9
            [name] => 2003-2004
            [competitions] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [compid] => 243
                            [name] => UEFA Intertoto Cup
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                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2003-2004
                                    [competitionname] => UEFA Intertoto Cup
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                                    [goals_count] => 0
                                    [yellow_cards_count] => 0
                                    [red_cards_count] => 0
                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 0




    [1] => Array
            [seid] => 10
            [name] => 2002-2003
            [competitions] => Array
                    [0] => Array
                            [compid] => 42
                            [name] => Division One
                            [comptid] => 1
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2002-2003
                                    [competitionname] => Div One
                                    [tmid] => 526
                                    [pid] => 487
                                    [number] => 2
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                                    [height] => 0
                                    [weight] => 0
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                                    [played_min] => 1137
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                                    [goals_count] => 0
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                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 0


                    [1] => Array
                            [compid] => 212
                            [name] => Hungarian Cup
                            [comptid] => 2
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2002-2003
                                    [competitionname] => Hungarian Cup
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                                    [number] => 
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    [2] => Array
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                    [0] => Array
                            [compid] => 43
                            [name] => Division One
                            [comptid] => 1
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2001-2002
                                    [competitionname] => Div One
                                    [tmid] => 535
                                    [pid] => 487
                                    [number] => 2
                                    [img] => 
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                                    [height] => 0
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                                    [played_min] => 2012
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                                    [yellow_cards_count] => 5
                                    [red_cards_count] => 1
                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 503


                    [1] => Array
                            [compid] => 210
                            [name] => Arany Ászok Hungarian Cup
                            [comptid] => 2
                            [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I
                            [stats] => Array
                                    [seasonname] => 2001-2002
                                    [competitionname] => Arany Ászok Hungarian Cup
                                    [tmid] => 
                                    [pid] => 
                                    [number] => 
                                    [img] => 
                                    [img_portrait] => 
                                    [img_full_body] => 
                                    [img_list] => 
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                                    [ppid] => 
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                                    [brought_red_cards] => 
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                                    [active] => 
                                    [loan] => 
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                                    [played_matches_count] => 2
                                    [played_first_count] => 1
                                    [played_change_count] => 1
                                    [goals_count] => 0
                                    [yellow_cards_count] => 0
                                    [red_cards_count] => 0
                                    [goals_avarage] => 0
                                    [goals_persec] => 0




Tímár Krisztián
Coach, Defender

Full name: Tímár Krisztián
Date of birth: Budapest , 1979.10.04.
Vidi All
Matches (change) 1 (0) 1 (0) 15 (2) 15 (2) 3 (0) 3 (0) 31 (10) 31 (10) 2 (1) 2 (1)
Minutes played 90 90 1137 1137 270 270 2012 2012 60 60
Goals 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 4 0 0
Yellow cards 0 0 4 4 0 0 5 5 0 0
Red cards 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1 0 0
Fehérvár FC - all rights reserved
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