hu en
17Az Elek család Bánrévén – a szlovák határ mentén – élt, de Ákos a közeli Putnokon kezdett el focizni. Édesapja is futballozott, de ő „csak” az NB III-ig jutott. Ő vitt el a fiait, előbb Ákost, majd öccsét, Bencét Putnokra edzésre, amikor látta, hogy mennyire érdekli őket a labda. Aligha meglepő, a Vidi későbbi ásza már tízévesen, Putnokok is kitűnt a többiek közül – egyből hívták Kazincbarcikára, a 4. osztályt már az ottani általános iskolában kezdte.
Abban az időben a „Barcika” a harmadosztályban játszott, de mire Ákos végigjárva a korosztályos csapatokat az elsőkeret közelébe került, feljutott az NB II-be. Időközben a hórihorgas középpályás többször is szerepelt az U16-os, illetve az U18-as válogatottban. Előbbinek egyébként az a Varga István volt a szövetségi edző, akivel Ákos néhány évvel később pont a Vidiben dolgozott együtt újra. Fiatalon, tizenhat évesen mutatkozott be az NB II-ben, s egy szezonnal később már stabil tagja volt a kezdőtizenegynek. Összesen 64 másodosztályú mérkőzésen lépett pályára. Két és fél szezont játszott a Kazincbarcika elsőcsapatában. Ákos 2008 nyarán került Kazincbarcikáról Székesfehérvárra. Eleinte főként a tartalékcsapatban játszott, majd 2009 tavaszán bemutatkozott az NB I-ben is. A nagy kiugrást a 2009-2010-es szezon hozta számára, alapemberré vált a Videoton első csapatában és tagja lett az Egervári Sándor irányította U20-as válogatottnak is. Sőt, hamarosan valósággá vált dr. Mezey György jóslata, és Ákos bemutatkozott az A-válogatottban is. A premiert 2010. június 5-én, a Hollandia elleni mérkőzés jelentette, majd sorra jöttek a neves ellenfelek: Anglia, Svédország, Finnország. Utóbbin, a finnek elleni Eb-selejtezőn a 92. percben nagy vágta végén adott gólpasszt Dzsudzsáknak – ezzel, nem csak a válogatott nyert, de Elek Ákost is „elfogadta” a szurkolótábor. Tagja volt a 2016-os Európa-bajnokságot megjárt keretnek, Franciaországban pályára is lépett. A dr. Mezey György irányította csapat alapembereként természetesen részese a Vidi sikereinek is: bajnok és kupadöntős, de a dicsőséglistáján – 2009-ből, illetve 2010-ből – szerepel egy Ligakupa-győzelem, egy Szuperkupa-győzelem és egy bajnoki ezüstérem is. 2011 telén rövid, féléves törökországi kalandra vállalkozott, majd a Diósgyőr csapatába tért haza. 2015-ben Kínában is tett egy próbát, majd onnan is visszajött, ismét Miskolcra, amit később a kazah Kajrat kedvéért hagyott el. Kazahsztánban kupagyőzelmet ünnepelhetett, majd 2019 januárjában lett újra fehérvári labdarúgó - ő volt a MOL Vidi FC első 2019-es igazolása.ÁkosElek0Elek Ákos1988-07-21Carolina Herrera - AquaFűrész, Törvénytisztelő polgárRakott karfiol, GyrosÁsványvízMozi, DVDKomoly párkapcsolat3Elek015MOL Fehérvár II00ÓzdKözéppályás2022-2023126557083MOL Fehérvár FC II01Elek ÁkosArray ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => magyar [flag_img] => flag_1.jpg ) ) magyarflag_1.jpg36Array ( [0] => Array ( [seid] => 82 [name] => 2021-2022 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 510 [name] => NB III Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2021-2022 [competitionname] => NB III [tmid] => 5570 [pid] => 17 [number] => 26 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 810 [played_matches_count] => 9 [played_first_count] => 9 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [seid] => 81 [name] => 2020-2021 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 491 [name] => NB III Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2020-2021 [competitionname] => NB III [tmid] => 5306 [pid] => 17 [number] => 26 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1520 [played_matches_count] => 18 [played_first_count] => 16 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 9 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 169 ) ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [seid] => 80 [name] => 2019-2020 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 468 [name] => OTP Bank Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 5057 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5057_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5057_17.png [height] => 194 [weight] => 93 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1565 [played_matches_count] => 23 [played_first_count] => 17 [played_change_count] => 6 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 1565 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 469 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 5036 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5036_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5036_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 483 [played_matches_count] => 6 [played_first_count] => 5 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 470 [name] => UEFA Európa Liga [comptid] => 5 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => Európa Liga [tmid] => 5035 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5035_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5035_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 349 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [seid] => 79 [name] => 2018-2019 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 450 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2018-2019 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 4846 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_4846_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_4846_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 828 [played_matches_count] => 12 [played_first_count] => 10 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 453 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2018-2019 [competitionname] => MK [tmid] => 4847 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_4847_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_4847_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 263 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 263 ) ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [seid] => 14 [name] => 2011-2012 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 48 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 604 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_604_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_604_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_604_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 792 [played_matches_count] => 13 [played_first_count] => 10 [played_change_count] => 3 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 792 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 64 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 25 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 49 [name] => Szuperkupa-döntő [comptid] => 6 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => Szuperkupa-döntő [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 67 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 50 [name] => BL-selejtező [comptid] => 7 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => BL-selejtező [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 154 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 154 ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [seid] => 6 [name] => 2010-2011 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 23 [name] => Monicomp Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 284 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_284_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_284_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_284_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 11 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 2246 [played_matches_count] => 26 [played_first_count] => 25 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 4 [yellow_cards_count] => 5 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 562 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 44 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => MK [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 226 [played_matches_count] => 3 [played_first_count] => 3 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 226 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 47 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 155 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 26 [name] => UEFA Európa Liga [comptid] => 5 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => EL [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 183 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [4] => Array ( [compid] => 25 [name] => Szuperkupa-döntő [comptid] => 6 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => Szuperkupa-döntő [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 31 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [seid] => 2 [name] => 2009-2010 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 1 [name] => Soproni Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Soproni Liga [tmid] => 1 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_1_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_1_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_1_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 11 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 2149 [played_matches_count] => 28 [played_first_count] => 24 [played_change_count] => 4 [goals_count] => 5 [yellow_cards_count] => 7 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 430 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 4 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 356 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 356 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 3 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 87 [pid] => 17 [number] => 0 [img] => player_87_17.jpg [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 273 [played_matches_count] => 5 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 273 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 2 [name] => NB-II Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => NB II [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 180 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 180 ) ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [seid] => 3 [name] => 2008-2009 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 14 [name] => Soproni Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 195 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_195_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_195_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 707 [played_matches_count] => 11 [played_first_count] => 9 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 15 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 218 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 23 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 16 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 226 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 307 [played_matches_count] => 6 [played_first_count] => 3 [played_change_count] => 3 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) ) Array
Elek Ákos

Teljes név: Elek Ákos
Született: Ózd , 1988.07.21.
Vidi Összes
Meccsek (csere) 9 (0) 9 (0) 18 (2) 18 (2) 23 (6) 23 (6) 6 (1) 6 (1) 4 (0) 4 (0) 12 (2) 12 (2) 4 (0) 4 (0) 13 (3) 13 (3) 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 1 (0) 2 (0) 2 (0) 26 (1) 26 (1) 3 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 2 (0) 2 (0) 2 (0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 28 (4) 28 (4) 4 (0) 4 (0) 5 (1) 5 (1) 2 (0) 2 (0) 11 (2) 11 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 6 (3) 6 (3)
Játszott percek 810 810 1520 1520 1565 1565 483 483 349 349 828 828 263 263 792 792 25 25 67 67 154 154 2246 2246 226 226 155 155 183 183 31 31 2149 2149 356 356 273 273 180 180 707 707 23 23 307 307
Gólok 0 0 9 9 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 4 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sárga lapok 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 2 2 2 2 0 0 0 0 1 1 5 5 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 7 7 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 2 0 0 1 1
Piros lapok 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Az Elek család Bánrévén – a szlovák határ mentén – élt, de Ákos a közeli Putnokon kezdett el focizni. Édesapja is futballozott, de ő „csak” az NB III-ig jutott. Ő vitt el a fiait, előbb Ákost, majd öccsét, Bencét Putnokra edzésre, amikor látta, hogy mennyire érdekli őket a labda. Aligha meglepő, a Vidi későbbi ásza már tízévesen, Putnokok is kitűnt a többiek közül – egyből hívták Kazincbarcikára, a 4. osztályt már az ottani általános iskolában kezdte.
Abban az időben a „Barcika” a harmadosztályban játszott, de mire Ákos végigjárva a korosztályos csapatokat az elsőkeret közelébe került, feljutott az NB II-be. Időközben a hórihorgas középpályás többször is szerepelt az U16-os, illetve az U18-as válogatottban. Előbbinek egyébként az a Varga István volt a szövetségi edző, akivel Ákos néhány évvel később pont a Vidiben dolgozott együtt újra. Fiatalon, tizenhat évesen mutatkozott be az NB II-ben, s egy szezonnal később már stabil tagja volt a kezdőtizenegynek. Összesen 64 másodosztályú mérkőzésen lépett pályára. Két és fél szezont játszott a Kazincbarcika elsőcsapatában. Ákos 2008 nyarán került Kazincbarcikáról Székesfehérvárra. Eleinte főként a tartalékcsapatban játszott, majd 2009 tavaszán bemutatkozott az NB I-ben is. A nagy kiugrást a 2009-2010-es szezon hozta számára, alapemberré vált a Videoton első csapatában és tagja lett az Egervári Sándor irányította U20-as válogatottnak is. Sőt, hamarosan valósággá vált dr. Mezey György jóslata, és Ákos bemutatkozott az A-válogatottban is. A premiert 2010. június 5-én, a Hollandia elleni mérkőzés jelentette, majd sorra jöttek a neves ellenfelek: Anglia, Svédország, Finnország. Utóbbin, a finnek elleni Eb-selejtezőn a 92. percben nagy vágta végén adott gólpasszt Dzsudzsáknak – ezzel, nem csak a válogatott nyert, de Elek Ákost is „elfogadta” a szurkolótábor. Tagja volt a 2016-os Európa-bajnokságot megjárt keretnek, Franciaországban pályára is lépett. A dr. Mezey György irányította csapat alapembereként természetesen részese a Vidi sikereinek is: bajnok és kupadöntős, de a dicsőséglistáján – 2009-ből, illetve 2010-ből – szerepel egy Ligakupa-győzelem, egy Szuperkupa-győzelem és egy bajnoki ezüstérem is. 2011 telén rövid, féléves törökországi kalandra vállalkozott, majd a Diósgyőr csapatába tért haza. 2015-ben Kínában is tett egy próbát, majd onnan is visszajött, ismét Miskolcra, amit később a kazah Kajrat kedvéért hagyott el. Kazahsztánban kupagyőzelmet ünnepelhetett, majd 2019 januárjában lett újra fehérvári labdarúgó - ő volt a MOL Vidi FC első 2019-es igazolása.
Legutóbbi videója
Van 10 perced? - Elek Ákos jelentkezett be otthonából
Videó @ 2020. Április 17.
Kapcsolódó hírek
Kedvencek Étel, amit kedvelek: Rakott karfiol, Gyros Ital, amit kedvelek: Ásványvíz Kedvenc filmem: Fűrész, Törvénytisztelő polgár Szabadidős tevékenység, ami kikapcsolódást jelent számomra: Mozi, DVD
Fehérvár FC - Minden jog fenntartva
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