17Az Elek család Bánrévén – a szlovák határ mentén – élt, de Ákos a közeli Putnokon kezdett el focizni. Édesapja is futballozott, de ő „csak” az NB III-ig jutott. Ő vitt el a fiait, előbb Ákost, majd öccsét, Bencét Putnokra edzésre, amikor látta, hogy mennyire érdekli őket a labda. Aligha meglepő, a Vidi későbbi ásza már tízévesen, Putnokok is kitűnt a többiek közül – egyből hívták Kazincbarcikára, a 4. osztályt már az ottani általános iskolában kezdte.
Abban az időben a „Barcika” a harmadosztályban játszott, de mire Ákos végigjárva a korosztályos csapatokat az elsőkeret közelébe került, feljutott az NB II-be. Időközben a hórihorgas középpályás többször is szerepelt az U16-os, illetve az U18-as válogatottban. Előbbinek egyébként az a Varga István volt a szövetségi edző, akivel Ákos néhány évvel később pont a Vidiben dolgozott együtt újra. Fiatalon, tizenhat évesen mutatkozott be az NB II-ben, s egy szezonnal később már stabil tagja volt a kezdőtizenegynek. Összesen 64 másodosztályú mérkőzésen lépett pályára. Két és fél szezont játszott a Kazincbarcika elsőcsapatában. Ákos 2008 nyarán került Kazincbarcikáról Székesfehérvárra. Eleinte főként a tartalékcsapatban játszott, majd 2009 tavaszán bemutatkozott az NB I-ben is. A nagy kiugrást a 2009-2010-es szezon hozta számára, alapemberré vált a Videoton első csapatában és tagja lett az Egervári Sándor irányította U20-as válogatottnak is. Sőt, hamarosan valósággá vált dr. Mezey György jóslata, és Ákos bemutatkozott az A-válogatottban is. A premiert 2010. június 5-én, a Hollandia elleni mérkőzés jelentette, majd sorra jöttek a neves ellenfelek: Anglia, Svédország, Finnország. Utóbbin, a finnek elleni Eb-selejtezőn a 92. percben nagy vágta végén adott gólpasszt Dzsudzsáknak – ezzel, nem csak a válogatott nyert, de Elek Ákost is „elfogadta” a szurkolótábor. Tagja volt a 2016-os Európa-bajnokságot megjárt keretnek, Franciaországban pályára is lépett. A dr. Mezey György irányította csapat alapembereként természetesen részese a Vidi sikereinek is: bajnok és kupadöntős, de a dicsőséglistáján – 2009-ből, illetve 2010-ből – szerepel egy Ligakupa-győzelem, egy Szuperkupa-győzelem és egy bajnoki ezüstérem is. 2011 telén rövid, féléves törökországi kalandra vállalkozott, majd a Diósgyőr csapatába tért haza. 2015-ben Kínában is tett egy próbát, majd onnan is visszajött, ismét Miskolcra, amit később a kazah Kajrat kedvéért hagyott el. Kazahsztánban kupagyőzelmet ünnepelhetett, majd 2019 januárjában lett újra fehérvári labdarúgó - ő volt a MOL Vidi FC első 2019-es igazolása.ÁkosElek0Elek Ákos1988-07-21Carolina Herrera - AquaFűrész, Törvénytisztelő polgárRakott karfiol, GyrosÁsványvízMozi, DVDKomoly párkapcsolat3Elek015MOL Fehérvár II00ÓzdKözéppályás2022-2023126557083MOL Fehérvár FC II01Elek ÁkosArray ( [0] => Array ( [id] => 1 [name] => magyar [flag_img] => flag_1.jpg ) ) magyarflag_1.jpg36Array ( [0] => Array ( [seid] => 82 [name] => 2021-2022 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 510 [name] => NB III Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2021-2022 [competitionname] => NB III [tmid] => 5570 [pid] => 17 [number] => 26 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 810 [played_matches_count] => 9 [played_first_count] => 9 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [1] => Array ( [seid] => 81 [name] => 2020-2021 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 491 [name] => NB III Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2020-2021 [competitionname] => NB III [tmid] => 5306 [pid] => 17 [number] => 26 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1520 [played_matches_count] => 18 [played_first_count] => 16 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 9 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 169 ) ) ) ) [2] => Array ( [seid] => 80 [name] => 2019-2020 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 468 [name] => OTP Bank Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 5057 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5057_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5057_17.png [height] => 194 [weight] => 93 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 1565 [played_matches_count] => 23 [played_first_count] => 17 [played_change_count] => 6 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 1565 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 469 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 5036 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5036_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5036_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 483 [played_matches_count] => 6 [played_first_count] => 5 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 470 [name] => UEFA Európa Liga [comptid] => 5 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2019-2020 [competitionname] => Európa Liga [tmid] => 5035 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_5035_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_5035_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 349 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [3] => Array ( [seid] => 79 [name] => 2018-2019 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 450 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2018-2019 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 4846 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_4846_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_4846_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 828 [played_matches_count] => 12 [played_first_count] => 10 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 453 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2018-2019 [competitionname] => MK [tmid] => 4847 [pid] => 17 [number] => 6 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_4847_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_4847_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 263 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 263 ) ) ) ) [4] => Array ( [seid] => 14 [name] => 2011-2012 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 48 [name] => OTP Bank Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 604 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_604_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_604_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_604_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 792 [played_matches_count] => 13 [played_first_count] => 10 [played_change_count] => 3 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 792 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 64 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 25 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 49 [name] => Szuperkupa-döntő [comptid] => 6 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => Szuperkupa-döntő [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 67 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 1 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 50 [name] => BL-selejtező [comptid] => 7 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2011-2012 [competitionname] => BL-selejtező [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 154 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 154 ) ) ) ) [5] => Array ( [seid] => 6 [name] => 2010-2011 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 23 [name] => Monicomp Liga NB I [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 284 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_284_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_284_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_284_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 11 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => -1 [brought_played_starter] => -1 [brought_played_bench] => -1 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 2246 [played_matches_count] => 26 [played_first_count] => 25 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 4 [yellow_cards_count] => 5 [red_cards_count] => 1 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 562 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 44 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => MK [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 226 [played_matches_count] => 3 [played_first_count] => 3 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 226 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 47 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 155 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 26 [name] => UEFA Európa Liga [comptid] => 5 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => EL [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 183 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [4] => Array ( [compid] => 25 [name] => Szuperkupa-döntő [comptid] => 6 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2010-2011 [competitionname] => Szuperkupa-döntő [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 31 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) [6] => Array ( [seid] => 2 [name] => 2009-2010 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 1 [name] => Soproni Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Soproni Liga [tmid] => 1 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => player_1_17.jpg [img_portrait] => player_1_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_1_17.png [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 11 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 2149 [played_matches_count] => 28 [played_first_count] => 24 [played_change_count] => 4 [goals_count] => 5 [yellow_cards_count] => 7 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 430 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 4 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 356 [played_matches_count] => 4 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 356 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 3 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 87 [pid] => 17 [number] => 0 [img] => player_87_17.jpg [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 193 [weight] => 84 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 273 [played_matches_count] => 5 [played_first_count] => 4 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 273 ) ) [3] => Array ( [compid] => 2 [name] => NB-II Nyugati csoport [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár II [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2009-2010 [competitionname] => NB II [tmid] => [pid] => [number] => [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => [weight] => [ppid] => [start_nb1_match_count] => [start_nb1_goals] => [brought_goals] => [brought_yellow_cards] => [brought_red_cards] => [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => [brought_played_starter] => [brought_played_bench] => [active] => [loan] => [played_min] => 180 [played_matches_count] => 2 [played_first_count] => 2 [played_change_count] => 0 [goals_count] => 1 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 1 [goals_persec] => 180 ) ) ) ) [7] => Array ( [seid] => 3 [name] => 2008-2009 [competitions] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [compid] => 14 [name] => Soproni Liga [comptid] => 1 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => NB I [tmid] => 195 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => player_195_17.png [img_full_body] => [img_list] => player_195_17.png [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 707 [played_matches_count] => 11 [played_first_count] => 9 [played_change_count] => 2 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 2 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [1] => Array ( [compid] => 15 [name] => Magyar Kupa [comptid] => 2 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => Magyar Kupa [tmid] => 218 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 23 [played_matches_count] => 1 [played_first_count] => 0 [played_change_count] => 1 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 0 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) [2] => Array ( [compid] => 16 [name] => Ligakupa [comptid] => 3 [age_group_name] => MOL Fehérvár I [stats] => Array ( [seasonname] => 2008-2009 [competitionname] => Ligakupa [tmid] => 226 [pid] => 17 [number] => 25 [img] => [img_portrait] => [img_full_body] => [img_list] => [height] => 0 [weight] => 0 [ppid] => 3 [start_nb1_match_count] => 0 [start_nb1_goals] => 0 [brought_goals] => 0 [brought_yellow_cards] => 0 [brought_red_cards] => 0 [children_nat_team] => [brought_played_min] => 0 [brought_played_starter] => 0 [brought_played_bench] => 0 [active] => 1 [loan] => 0 [played_min] => 307 [played_matches_count] => 6 [played_first_count] => 3 [played_change_count] => 3 [goals_count] => 0 [yellow_cards_count] => 1 [red_cards_count] => 0 [goals_avarage] => 0 [goals_persec] => 0 ) ) ) ) ) Array
Elek Ákos
Teljes név: Elek Ákos
Született: Ózd , 1988.07.21.
Vidi | Összes | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Meccsek (csere) | 9 (0) | 9 (0) | 18 (2) | 18 (2) | 23 (6) | 23 (6) | 6 (1) | 6 (1) | 4 (0) | 4 (0) | 12 (2) | 12 (2) | 4 (0) | 4 (0) | 13 (3) | 13 (3) | 1 (0) | 1 (0) | 1 (0) | 1 (0) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 26 (1) | 26 (1) | 3 (0) | 3 (0) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 1 (1) | 1 (1) | 28 (4) | 28 (4) | 4 (0) | 4 (0) | 5 (1) | 5 (1) | 2 (0) | 2 (0) | 11 (2) | 11 (2) | 1 (1) | 1 (1) | 6 (3) | 6 (3) |
Játszott percek | 810 | 810 | 1520 | 1520 | 1565 | 1565 | 483 | 483 | 349 | 349 | 828 | 828 | 263 | 263 | 792 | 792 | 25 | 25 | 67 | 67 | 154 | 154 | 2246 | 2246 | 226 | 226 | 155 | 155 | 183 | 183 | 31 | 31 | 2149 | 2149 | 356 | 356 | 273 | 273 | 180 | 180 | 707 | 707 | 23 | 23 | 307 | 307 |
Gólok | 0 | 0 | 9 | 9 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 4 | 4 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Sárga lapok | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 5 | 5 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 7 | 7 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 |
Piros lapok | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Az Elek család Bánrévén – a szlovák határ mentén – élt, de Ákos a közeli Putnokon kezdett el focizni. Édesapja is futballozott, de ő „csak” az NB III-ig jutott. Ő vitt el a fiait, előbb Ákost, majd öccsét, Bencét Putnokra edzésre, amikor látta, hogy mennyire érdekli őket a labda. Aligha meglepő, a Vidi későbbi ásza már tízévesen, Putnokok is kitűnt a többiek közül – egyből hívták Kazincbarcikára, a 4. osztályt már az ottani általános iskolában kezdte.
Abban az időben a „Barcika” a harmadosztályban játszott, de mire Ákos végigjárva a korosztályos csapatokat az elsőkeret közelébe került, feljutott az NB II-be. Időközben a hórihorgas középpályás többször is szerepelt az U16-os, illetve az U18-as válogatottban. Előbbinek egyébként az a Varga István volt a szövetségi edző, akivel Ákos néhány évvel később pont a Vidiben dolgozott együtt újra. Fiatalon, tizenhat évesen mutatkozott be az NB II-ben, s egy szezonnal később már stabil tagja volt a kezdőtizenegynek. Összesen 64 másodosztályú mérkőzésen lépett pályára. Két és fél szezont játszott a Kazincbarcika elsőcsapatában. Ákos 2008 nyarán került Kazincbarcikáról Székesfehérvárra. Eleinte főként a tartalékcsapatban játszott, majd 2009 tavaszán bemutatkozott az NB I-ben is. A nagy kiugrást a 2009-2010-es szezon hozta számára, alapemberré vált a Videoton első csapatában és tagja lett az Egervári Sándor irányította U20-as válogatottnak is. Sőt, hamarosan valósággá vált dr. Mezey György jóslata, és Ákos bemutatkozott az A-válogatottban is. A premiert 2010. június 5-én, a Hollandia elleni mérkőzés jelentette, majd sorra jöttek a neves ellenfelek: Anglia, Svédország, Finnország. Utóbbin, a finnek elleni Eb-selejtezőn a 92. percben nagy vágta végén adott gólpasszt Dzsudzsáknak – ezzel, nem csak a válogatott nyert, de Elek Ákost is „elfogadta” a szurkolótábor. Tagja volt a 2016-os Európa-bajnokságot megjárt keretnek, Franciaországban pályára is lépett. A dr. Mezey György irányította csapat alapembereként természetesen részese a Vidi sikereinek is: bajnok és kupadöntős, de a dicsőséglistáján – 2009-ből, illetve 2010-ből – szerepel egy Ligakupa-győzelem, egy Szuperkupa-győzelem és egy bajnoki ezüstérem is. 2011 telén rövid, féléves törökországi kalandra vállalkozott, majd a Diósgyőr csapatába tért haza. 2015-ben Kínában is tett egy próbát, majd onnan is visszajött, ismét Miskolcra, amit később a kazah Kajrat kedvéért hagyott el. Kazahsztánban kupagyőzelmet ünnepelhetett, majd 2019 januárjában lett újra fehérvári labdarúgó - ő volt a MOL Vidi FC első 2019-es igazolása.
Abban az időben a „Barcika” a harmadosztályban játszott, de mire Ákos végigjárva a korosztályos csapatokat az elsőkeret közelébe került, feljutott az NB II-be. Időközben a hórihorgas középpályás többször is szerepelt az U16-os, illetve az U18-as válogatottban. Előbbinek egyébként az a Varga István volt a szövetségi edző, akivel Ákos néhány évvel később pont a Vidiben dolgozott együtt újra. Fiatalon, tizenhat évesen mutatkozott be az NB II-ben, s egy szezonnal később már stabil tagja volt a kezdőtizenegynek. Összesen 64 másodosztályú mérkőzésen lépett pályára. Két és fél szezont játszott a Kazincbarcika elsőcsapatában. Ákos 2008 nyarán került Kazincbarcikáról Székesfehérvárra. Eleinte főként a tartalékcsapatban játszott, majd 2009 tavaszán bemutatkozott az NB I-ben is. A nagy kiugrást a 2009-2010-es szezon hozta számára, alapemberré vált a Videoton első csapatában és tagja lett az Egervári Sándor irányította U20-as válogatottnak is. Sőt, hamarosan valósággá vált dr. Mezey György jóslata, és Ákos bemutatkozott az A-válogatottban is. A premiert 2010. június 5-én, a Hollandia elleni mérkőzés jelentette, majd sorra jöttek a neves ellenfelek: Anglia, Svédország, Finnország. Utóbbin, a finnek elleni Eb-selejtezőn a 92. percben nagy vágta végén adott gólpasszt Dzsudzsáknak – ezzel, nem csak a válogatott nyert, de Elek Ákost is „elfogadta” a szurkolótábor. Tagja volt a 2016-os Európa-bajnokságot megjárt keretnek, Franciaországban pályára is lépett. A dr. Mezey György irányította csapat alapembereként természetesen részese a Vidi sikereinek is: bajnok és kupadöntős, de a dicsőséglistáján – 2009-ből, illetve 2010-ből – szerepel egy Ligakupa-győzelem, egy Szuperkupa-győzelem és egy bajnoki ezüstérem is. 2011 telén rövid, féléves törökországi kalandra vállalkozott, majd a Diósgyőr csapatába tért haza. 2015-ben Kínában is tett egy próbát, majd onnan is visszajött, ismét Miskolcra, amit később a kazah Kajrat kedvéért hagyott el. Kazahsztánban kupagyőzelmet ünnepelhetett, majd 2019 januárjában lett újra fehérvári labdarúgó - ő volt a MOL Vidi FC első 2019-es igazolása.
Legutóbbi videója
Videó @ 2020. Április 17.
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