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Our sporting director gave an interview to molcsapat.hu after the end of the transfer season.

“The club's philosophy of the game is to have fast wingers, so we wanted to strengthen the squad in these positions, and it was also a matter of necessity, as we sold Ivan Petryak's playing rights in the summer. Our ambition is also to always have a strong Hungarian core in the team. Several Hungarian players are key players at Vidi, and they will be joined by our new signings. But we also had other important goals. Last year's performance showed that we need to rebuild the team, so apart from a few experienced players like Kasper Larsen in defence and Claudiu Bumba in midfield, most of the summer signings are young players who bring quality and fresh energy to the team. Schön is only 21, Kastrati is a year older, Szendrei is 19 and Slovakian youth international Pokorny is 20. Nikola Serafimov from ZTE is almost an old man with his 22 years. (...) We also have a match to make up for and we have to catch up with the top teams as soon as possible, because our goals have not changed: MOL Fehérvár must play in Europe next season. This is the most important goal of the season ahead of us and I think we will be strong enough to achieve it" - our sporting director told molcsapat.hu.

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