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Michael Boris and István Szabó gave interviews to journalists after the match.

Michael Boris:
"If you just look at the result and what happened in the game, it's easy to put tonight away by saying that Vidi won by one goal in the last minute, but there was more to tonight's game than that. We managed to break a very long unbeaten streak of a solid and good team, and today it was clear to see what Kecskemét wanted to play. We had Funsho's post early in the game, then we took the lead, and even after KTE's equalizer we had the ball to try and make it 2-1, but we couldn't get the second goal. After that the defenders played more forward and we took more risks. Now the match against DVSC is coming up, we need to regenerate properly and find fresh players with whom we can get another three points after a long trip. Debrecen will have an extra day to prepare, they will have a new coach, but of course we want to win there as well."
Our head coach was also asked about the new signings and Emil Rockov at the press conference.
"We have already seen Lirim Kastrati's speed today and his passing will improve in the future, but he has only been training with us for two days. I welcomed Schön Sabi as an old acquaintance, he is not yet in a condition to play the whole game, he was on the pitch the most in the U21 match against Latvia in the last months (82 minutes), but he has stepped in well and showed, for example, how good his first touches are inside the opponent's penalty area. We had agreed beforehand that Emil would keep goal today, I was a goalkeeper myself, I know what it means when the keeper makes a mistake - it almost always results in a goal for the opposition. It happens, the equaliser was Emil's as well, the team reacted very well to the situation. It's a very serious period for the players, mentally as well. I'm reading the local press, the Cologne coach also commented on the mental fatigue. We are trying to rotate in all positions, with the arrival of Bese, Nego will get a rest, Attila Fiola could also be rested, but he couldn't be left out today either, it's amazing what work he has done in the last weeks. Moreover, with Loic and Fityo we will have to take into account the national team load."
Szabó István:
"We got what we expected from the home team. What we wanted to achieve was to be solid in the back and in the middle zone and from there, from that solid defence, we would make quick transitions to the home goal. Sometimes we managed to do that, but I have to admit that Vidi broke down our defence several times. It really, physically hurts that we lost a point in the last minute, but we have to keep our heads up and keep going, there is no reason to be ashamed. People were divided on the corner, but everyone knows that Stopira is a great finisher and header at international level, even though he is not one of the tallest defenders. He also came on really well this time and won a duel, it happens. We are not looking for scapegoats, we win together, we lose together. Congratulations to the home team, their victory is not undeserved."

Csapatunk érte el a forduló második legmagasabb InStat-indexét, valamint számos mutatóban az első vagy a második helyen zártunk.

A Kecskemét elleni győztes gólt fejelő védőnk a csapategységet emelte ki a lefújást követően.

Michael Boris és Szabó István nyilatkozott a lefújás után az újságíróknak.

Nego Loic remek góljával vezettünk, kiegyenlítettek a vendégek, de Stopira találata a meccs végén három pontot ért!

Csapatunk Kecskemét elleni hazai bajnoki mérkőzése szerdán 19:30-kor kezdődik a MOL Aréna Sóstóban.

A Kecskemét vezetőedzője abban bízik, hogy csapata ki tudja hozni a legtöbbet a szerda esti mérkőzésből.