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2020. December 21. 10:49  -  David Rechnitzer
February 2020: Nemanja Nikolic returns to Vidi

In our series, we recall a defining moment from the 12 months of the year. In February 2020, after 4 and a half years, our national team striker, who has also been the team captain since the summer, pulled on the red-blue shirt again.

It was full swing around Vidi's home in February 2020: on the 22nd February, Ivan Petryak scored a hat-trick inside 13 minutes in the league game against ZTE FC, which we won 4-1 at the MOL Arena Sosto, and a day later our club celebrated its 80th birthday. Legendary figure, Ferenc Fister, still holds training sessions in nurseries around Fehervar to this day.

Before all this, however, Nemanja Nikolic returned home on the 6th February! After four and a half years and great success in Poland and the USA, he signed again for Vidi, and he went on to become captain of our team following the retirement of Roland Juhasz in June.

Fehérvár FC - Minden jog fenntartva
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