Ajánld ismerősödnek!
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The two sides will meet on Friday evening in what will be the final match of 2020 for both.

Friday's match will kick off at 20:00pm in what will be the seventh time the two clubs will meet in the first division. Vidi have won five of the six so far with the other having been drawn. We also enjoy a better goal difference of 15:3.
We have a 100% record against Kisvarda at home having won all four games with a goal difference of 11-1.
The two clubs first met in the top flight on the 21st July 2018. We had never met them before in a competitive game. That first game over two years ago ended in a 4-0 win at the Pancho Arena. Our goals came from Lazovic, Roland Juhasz and a goal each from the Scepovic brothers. That was also the highest victory for Vidi in a match against them.
The first game in Kisvarda also took place in the same season. That match was played on the 28th October 2018 and both sides had to settle for a point each in the 2-2 draw. It was also the only match that Kisvarda have managed to pick up a point against us. There have been a further four games since those two. Those have all been won and last August's game, which ended in a 3-0 win was memorable for a debut goal from new signing Visar Musliu. The North Macedonian defender did not take too long to open his account with us.

Az InStat-értékek alapján Hangya Szilveszter, Rus Adrián, Funsho Bamgboye, Lyes Houri, Ivan Petrjak és Budu Zivzivadze került be az OTP Bank Liga legjobbjai közé.

Két gólt szerző támadónk mérkőzés utáni nyilatkozata.

Vezetőedzői értékelések a MOL Fehérvár FC - Kisvárda Master Good bajnoki után.

Az első félidő elején Funsho, a második félidő elején Petrjak talált be, a meccs végén ismét Funsho volt eredményes. Második helyen telel a csapat.

A vendégek vezetőedzője szerint igazi rangadó lesz a péntek esti mérkőzés.

Vezetőedzőnk várakozásai a 2020-as év utolsó mérkőzése előtt.