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Vidi plays its football in the special city of Szekesfehervar.

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The City of Kings | ![]() |
The City of Kings
The city lies 65km (40 miles) from the capital, Budapest. The name Székesfehérvár means “white castle with the seat” with the word szék (meaning “seat” as in the “throne”) relating to its important role in the first centuries of the Kingdom of Hungary. Hungarians refer to the city itself as Fehervar.
Szekesfehervar is Hungary’s oldest city. “Arpad together with the other Hungarians... broke camp on Noe hill, close to Alba. Arpad first chose this place in Pannonia, and St Istvan the King, who originated from him, therefore later founded it near the town of Alba.” This is what is written about the origins of the Hungarians in the picture chronicles.
St Stephen (Istvan) was crowned king in the year 1000. External and Internal enemies threatened him, so he built a coronation Basilica to consolidate his power, around which other churches, monasteries and palaces quickly rose from. A Provost and chapter school was also built there. Walls surrounded the royal residence, while the Coronation church continued to expand, and be decorated.
The Holy land pilgrimages gave it political importance, which meant that Kings would live close to the route near Fehervar. The footprints of Kings occurred day-to-day in Szekesfehervar: A total of 43 Kings were crowned until 1526, while 15 Kings were buried there until 1540. The canonizations of King Stephen and Prince Imre took place in the city, while Europe’s second constitution, the Golden Bull, was published in Szekesfehervar.
The city, which was also once the capital of Hungary, is one of the main cities in the country today. This is thanks to the city always being able to renew itself, in defiance of its turbulent history. This renewal was evident in the twentieth century and in recent years as well. The city, and the football club, has a coat of arms, which shows an open door and this is still symbolic. It indicates that Szekesfehervar is open to everyone, and that the city welcomes all as hosts. The city is also proud of its baroque city centre, and has a multitude of things to see and discover, which will enthral its visitors with its temples, museums and beautiful baroque palace.
We recommend that you take a walk in the ruins of the former royal temple in the Town Hall square, the Bishop’s palace, and take a look at the City hall courtyard, where in 1938, the National Assembly enacted the feast of St Stephen on August 20th. Have a look at the churches in the city centre, Heroes square and St Anne’s chapel, and also enjoy drinking coffee in one of the many small cafes. You can reach the Zichy Island through the main street, where you can have a rest under the shade of a nice tree, and watch the romantic knight’s castle, which was built on the model Bory.
Why don't you come and pay a visit to this lovely city, and see just what it has to offer it's visitors. The people of Szekesfehervar await you with open arms.

Az MLSZ oldalán lehet voksolni, kapusunk két mozdulata is bekerült a legjobbak közé.

Kupaellenfelünk három felkészülési mérkőzést is játszott az elmúlt időszakban.

Előzetes egyeztetés után, a zárt kapus találkozókon is kikerülhetnek a kerítésre a drapik.

A szezon zárt kapuk mögött kerül befejezésre, de a szezonbelépők fennmaradó értéke felhasználható marad.

Május 17-én volt 14 éve, hogy megszerezte első kupagyőzelmét a Vidi!

Újabb valótlan állítások jelentek meg hátvédünkről a médiában.