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The midfielder talks about the tough match expected at Debrecen on Sunday.

"It felt really great to play at our new home on Wednesday evening. It was fantastic and the stands were full. I hope that many will come out to our games in the future. We know that not only for us as players, but also the Vidi supporters feel the importance of Vidi once again playing in Szekesfehervar. We knew that our game with Ujpest in the stadium opener would be tough, but the most important aim was to collect the 3 points. There is no time to stop as we visit Debrecen on Sunday. DVSC are a well organised side and it is well known that there are no easy games in this league. It really will be a very hard 90 minutes for us. We will all need to give our maximum to achieve a good result. There are so many important games ahead of us next month. This is why we became professional players to play in matches like these. I have not been thinking about us having the chance to play in European matches in the spring, as this is not a question for me. I feel certain that Vidi will be there in the EL knockout stage" - commented Anel Hadzic.

Játékosaink magas értékeket kaptak az InStattól.

Újabb kapott gól nélküli mérkőzést hozó hálóőrünk értékelése.

Francia játékosunk szerint a csapatmunka a legfontosabb.

A két vezetőedző értékelte a DVSC - MOL Vidi FC mérkőzést.

Nego talált be a 40. percben, 1-0-ra győztünk a Nagyerdei Stadionban és már a második helyen állunk.

A Debrecen vezetőedzője bízik benne, hogy a DVTK elleni vereséget követően vasárnapra sikerült rendezni a sorokat.