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The two managers spoke shortly after the final whistle.

Marko Nikolic:
"I want to congratulate the team on the win. I will honestly say that I was a little bit worried about the game as we knew over recent weeks that there would be a carnival mood around the club and the city. I knew that the concert and show would be fine, but this was a very important match for us. It is hard to switch mind at times like this and to be ready for a game to follow. I could feel this in the team during the first half, but I told them at half time that we are over this period of the game and that we need to start concentrating on our own game. I could see on them that they were more relaxed and the self confidence returned. I knew that we would pick up a good result. It felt really good to play again in Szekesfehervar. It feels strange but this was my first match as manager after 18-19 months here. I would like to invite all the people to come out for the games that will follow. I would like the stands to be full and for them to back the team as they really deserve this. I would also like to add one more thing. If there is a player that deserves to score the first goal at the new stadium, then it is Roland Juhasz. I believe in something above and I am sure that there is fate in football with things like this."
Nebojsa Vignjevics:
"I congratulate MOL Vidi on their nice new stadium. I am proud of the players for the way they played on the pitch. I congratulate them on today's game."

Középpályásunk örül, hogy egy ilyen fontos összecsapáson debütálhatott bajnokin kezdőként.

A két vezetőedző értékelte MOL Vidi-Újpest FC bajnokit.

Juhász Roland fejesével vertük 1-0-ra az Újpestet és felléptünk a harmadik helyre.

November 21-én 19:00 órakor, az Újpest ellen lép pályára először a MOL Vidi FC az új Sóstói Stadionban és 2018-ban még további két bajnokira kerül sor Székesfehérváron, melyekre november 12-15. között mini-bérletet értékesítünk. November 16-tól jegyvásárlásra is lesz lehetőség.

Válogatott védőnk elárulta, hogy nagyon boldog amiatt, hogy három év után ismét Székesfehérváron léphet pályára.

A Piac téri VidiShop szerdán 15 órakor zár, a stadionnál található 16:30-kor nyílik. Helyszíni jegyvásárlásra 12:30-tól lesz lehetőség. Szurkolói különbuszok indulnak.