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The two managers shared their thoughts on Saturday's friendly game.

Marko Nikolic:
"I feel that there were several problems with organisation, as we had said two months ago that this game would see the youngsters given the chance to play. As a result the game was no good for either side. If our opponents had fielded a young side, then it would have made the game more valid. That resulted in a big difference between the two teams, which is not that useful for a Dinamo side that will play a Europa League game in a couple of days. Nobody can be satisfied with today's 90 minutes. One thing that is pleasing is that the youngsters had the chance to play against quality players on the pitch, which they had not really had the chance to do earlier."
The Dinamo Kiev manager will give his reaction on the match shortly.

Február 10-13. között Telkiben készülnek a fiatalok.

Középpályásunk szerint a futball mindenkinek azt adja, amit megérdemel.

Védőnk értékelt a lefújás után.

Vezetőedzőnk nyilatkozott a Dinamo Kijev elleni vereség után.

Az ukrán együttes félidőben három góllal vezetett, végül öttel nyert.

Kádár Tamás csapata egy magyar gárdával már találkozott a téli felkészülés során.