Ajánld ismerősödnek!
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The two managers shared their thoughts after Saturday's league game in Budapest.

Henning Berg:
“Naturally we are not satisfied with the point. We had enough chances to have won the game and also had two goals ruled out. It is difficult to understand why the first goal was not given. The ball had come off an MTK player so I do not feel that it was offside. The second one was most probably offside but it is difficult to tell from the bench. We also hit the bar and created big chances so we should have won the match. MTK also had chances towards the end, but that was down to us going forward in search of the 3 points. I felt things were fairly one sided before that on the pitch. We will continue to battle on for the league title and will not give up our target. We know that we need to start winning games again. We have the chances but are not that effective in front of goal as we were earlier. We need to change this in the games to come. We have five games left in the season. We would like to win all of them."
Tamási Zsolt:
“We prepared for everything before the game and also for the attacks to come. There were some hot moments in front of goal, especially from the crosses coming in from the wings. We had chances in the final 15 minutes that could have ended up with us getting all 3 points. If we look at this, then I am satisfied as the team really battled hard over the 90 minutes. Not only was the fight OK but also the way we played. I take my hat off to the boys. We counted on Vidi putting plenty of pressure on us as they are a good side. We closed down areas in our half."

Csapatkapitányunkat az MTK elleni mérkőzés második félidejében elővigyázatosságból kellett lecserélni.

Horvát támadónk megszerezte ugyan első találatát a magyar élvonalban, érthető okokból azonban mégsem tudott felhőtlenül boldogan nyilatkozni a lefújást követően.

Maric első NB I-es góljával már a 6. percben megszereztük a vezetést, azonban alig három perccel később egyenlítettek a hazaiak. Rengeteg helyzetünk volt, de a győzelmet jelentő újabb gólra hiába vártunk.

A két vezetőedző értékelte az MTK - Vidi bajnokit.

Vezetőedzőnk ezzel együtt természetesen győzelmet szeretne ünnepelni a lefújás után.

Az MTK vezetőedzője harcos játékot vár csapatától.