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Caneira was delighted to celebrate the festive period at home together with his family.
"Unfortunately we started the 2013-14 season badly, as we were unable to achieve our targets in the Europa League. We then placed all of our concentration on the league after we were knocked out of the cup. We did very well over the first half of the autumn season. We consecutively won games, playing well while scoring many goals. We then ran into a bad series around the 8th and 9th game of the league season, which led to us losing top place towards the end of the autumn campaign. This is where we are and I believe that following a very hard winter pre-season, we will make the difference up in the league over the spring. We had 26 points after 17 league matches this time last year, which saw us in fourth place. We then went on to pick up the most points over the following spring. Our target is to repeat that this season and then we can celebrate the league title. I spent Christmas at home together with my family, as they could not be with me in Hungary over the autumn. It was great to spend each day with my loved ones. I managed to rest but also keep an eye on my fitness so that I can come back in good condition. We all received a personal fitness plan over the winter break. From the spring onwards, as I have already mentioned, we will make up the difference with Debrecen. We have five home matches and eight away from home. I do not feel that this will be a disadvantage for us. We need to play our own game at home and also when we are away" - commented Marco Caneira to the clubs website.
Csapatkapitányunkat arról kérdeztük, milyen meccsre számít a Ligakupa döntőjében.
Rutinos védőnk 35. születésnapját ünnepelte vasárnap. A képen látható gyertya ne tévesszen meg senkit, a társak "ajándéka".
Caneira azt is elárulta nekünk, hogy nagyszerű érzés volt otthon, a szeretteivel tölteni a karácsonyi szünetet, de a pihenés mellett odafigyelt arra is, hogy jó erőnlétben érkezzen vissza.
A Vidi- rajongók tömött sorokban várták, hogy személyesen találkozhassanak játékosainkkal klubunk hivatalos ajándékboltjában
Játékosainkkal 16 és 17 óra között találkozhatnak a Piac téri ajándékboltban, ebben az órában 20% kedvezménnyel lehet vidis ülőpárnákat vásárolni.
A sportnapilap munkatársa rutinos védőnkkel beszélgetett, melyben a Vidi négyese beszél pályafutása legemlékezetesebb pillanatairól, a klubról és persze a Loki elleni rangadóról.